Thursday, April 3, 2008

Children are Blessings, Not Punishments!

So, I understand that humans are allowed to make mistakes. Sometimes we speak candidly and express views that don't truly reflect our values. However, this past week, Senator Barack Obama shared some thoughts that cannot be effectively rescinded. In this article we read how Senator Obama states that if his daughter's were to make a mistake and be faced with an unwanted pregnancy, they should not be punished with a child, but have the option to abort that child. This is an unfortunate reaction from a so called Christian who should understand the dignity and worth of human life. Never, in any circumstance should a child be considered "a punishment" for the repercussion of your action. 

As Bethany discussed below, you make the choice to have sex and potentially procreate. God never intended children to be a punishment for bad decisions, they are a gift, and opportunity for us to give thanks to God for His awesome creative power. A true Christian does not support pro-choice efforts, and most definitely does not think of a child as punishment for unplanned, irresponsible sexual relations. 

The other frustrating aspect of Senator Obama's words is that by calling the child a punishment, it removes some of the blame from the irresponsible parents and places some of it on the child. There is no doubt that people around the world are having children out of wedlock and unexpectedly even when married. If we begin to think of these children as punishments for our actions then there will be an inherently antagonistic feeling towards this child throughout their life. They will not be thought of as a beautiful gift from God but an unjust burden. I pray for the conversion of individuals such as Barack Obama, that they may come to see the dignity each child as created in the image in God.

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