Saturday, March 29, 2008

Winning over the Catholic vote

Reading an article about Senator McCain and his campaign for presidency I realized that as much as Catholic's can be criticized for their orthodoxy and their "submission" to the Pope, there are Candidates out there, like McCain, who are in need of the Catholic vote to win the presidency.
This article points out that 25% of registered voters are Catholic and for McCain to stand a chance against the Democratic nominee he needs the Catholic vote. I thought at first that this might not be so hard because many Catholics seem to be one-issue voters and the pro-life cause wins the votes, but then I thought how stereotypical this was in my head and I realized that this election really might breakdown barriers for all different social groups, especially the Catholic Church.
It seems to me that Catholics are thinking twice about just casting the pro-life vote, and maybe this is because I, myself, and thinking twice about it. The pro-life vote is not just held in the Republican party anymore simply because although they may be anti-abortion and the Dem's are generally pro-choice, the Democrats hold many pro-life ideals that Catholics are beginning to see. For example, is the Republican position on immigration really pro-life? Sure, they are against abortion but at the same time, is anything being done about it? It just reinforces that this single-issue of pro-life is not as singular as people make it out to be.
So, if Catholics really educate themselves and cast their vote in November with Catholic ideals in mind we can make a difference! It is an empowering thought. In a society where I constantly hear, "my vote doesn't really matter because...(insert excuse here)" I am finally hearing a call to go out and vote, and not just because I am a citizen but because I am a Catholic.
Catholic's make up 25% of the voters in this country and we, if properly educated, could choose a faithful citizen to run our country.

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