Friday, March 7, 2008

Super-delegates or Super-elitists?

I was watching CNN the other day when an anchor posited “the Democrats do some of their best work behind closed doors” with Presidents JFK and FDR to show for it. This hearkened back to my senior year AP Gov. class…Mr. Wallace asked if our Founding Fathers were brave forbearers of a great representative democracy or elitists who never intended for the ignorant farmer to participate in government….

The intentions of our founding fathers are debatable, but the affect campaigns like “Rock the Vote” have isn’t….

The “elite” still reverberate in the minds of voters today. Besides a soon-to-be super-delegate decided Democratic primary, the ever-amusing “Obama” and “Jack” video clips suggest that the “elite” control not only the air waves and TV screens, but the vote too. Jessica Alba, Jack Nicholson, Ryan Phillippe appear to be the new John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and James Madison-shaping our future with their words, opinions, and suggestions. Is that really democracy?

So what about voting behind closed doors? Is the Democratic party taking one more grass-roots decision and turning it into an oligargical one? With successes like JFK and FDR under their belt, do we have reason to trust the “elite” super-delegates? And are aforementioned means of a pivotal decision what this country was intended to have...?

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