Monday, February 25, 2008

"Cooperation with Evil"

Joe Feuerherd's opinion piece in Sunday's Washington Post attempts to tackle the question I brought to our first class. After reading the USCCB's "Faithful Citizenship" I asked: How much is our vote connected to our salvation? When the Bishops' document claims that we should vote with our conscience, but that some issues (namely abortion and other life issues) trump others, how do we balance all things at once? And if we do vote for a pro-choice candidate, are our souls destined for hell?

Feuerherd is openly critical of the Bishops' letter, but brings up some better-than-decent points, suggesting that to be pro-life means more than just the abortion issue. It means supporting an ethic of life in all arenas, including war and peace, the death penalty, poverty, health care, education and more.

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